What's Next?
This short post started as a joke, to take a break, then… well, who knows?
What is the Fate of the Western World?
Consider the long term evolution of our civilization:
The First Age was the Era of the FOUR (4)…
A tough, ancient, physical world, still in close connection with the nature, the 4 seasons, the 4 elements, the 4 cardinal directions, the 4 pillars of the sky, the 4 quarters of the earth, the 4 aristotelian causes…
…then came the Age of the THREE (3),…
In European middle-age, the tri-partition of the society was the rule, the 3 orders: those who fight, who pray, who work. And the 3 levels of the Creation: the Hell, the Earth, the Heaven, the 3 of the Holy Trinity in Christian world…
…followed by a new paradigm: the Rule of the TWO (2),…
It was introduced by 1789 and the 19th century: The Republic vs the Monarchy, the public and the private, the Hegelian Dialectic, Marx’s Capital and Labor, the Colonist and the Colonized…
… and finally, the Reign of the ONE (1).
The terrible 20th century: century of Totalitarism, total World wars, the search for the Great Unification in science, and at the end of the century, the globalization…
So…. 4…3…2…1… what’s next? The Triumph of the ZERO?
Suddenly, I don’t see the 21st century going too well…