Under the Holding, ultimate mother entity, activities are regrouped in three Lines, dedicated to Strategic (1), Cultural (2) and Financial (3) Development.
The Holding controls 100% of two incorporated Companies:
Platform of Services:
- Home of INT2PLAN (1), providing Consulting, Training and Testing on Strategic Development to individual and organisations, private or public
- Center of shared services for the Group, such as Internet Sites, Resources Center (irriD),...
TIANXUNART Shanghai Co. Ltd (2)
Dedicated to the Cultural Development thru promotion of Art Knowledge, better Lifestyle, Education,… Proposing Classic and Virtual Gallery and Art Management services, Design Studio and Educative offer.
The Holding
controls these Companies, supervises their Activities, ensures consistency of their actions, promotes synergies and cooperation, and control compliance to our values.
keeps a direct management of the Financial Development activity, centered on the private investment vehicle of the Group, CHINACTUAL investment fund (3)*.
is in charge of The HIGHTIGER Foundation project.
* private fund not open to public. See Special Disclaimer here.